Fort Sill, OK
Goodbye Fort Sill, Oklahoma. Hello new adventures! | What I loved about Fort Sill
Was I super excited when I found out our first duty station was Fort Sill, Oklahoma? Not particularly… but we joined the army partially to see new places and explore the world so…
Real life with 2 kids – The worry that comes with adding a second child
I have always, always looked forward to being a mother! I love young children and couldn’t wait to have my own. Motherhood was no disappointment and I could not have been happier with…
Hiking in Oklahoma – Tolman Family Day Trip
Although Oklahoma can be ehhh sometimes, we have LOVED the hiking and camping when we can find places to do it. Simon and Hyrum are happiest outdoors and we love to explore. Oklahoma…
Oklahoma City Science Museum – Family day trip to the city!
We’ve been talking about going to the OKC Science Museum since we moved here 2 1/2 years ago, but only now that we have a few short months left at Fort Sill did…
Fort Sill Oklahoma & Simons First Day of School!
It’s been quite a while since I’ve written a post but I think this will be the easiest way to document our adventures and share our lives with family and friends! We’ve been…
Oktoberfest, Halloween, & Christmas 2016
Halloween is such a fun time of year! Simon loves to dress up and usually wears his Halloween costume for a week. This year, we had lots of events to go to on…