Winter Madness!
Man how time flies! Things have been VERY busy here for us!
Nick had his first concerts with his band and choir before Christmas break, both were great! His kids are doing so well and I got lots of compliments from parents on how good they are sounding compared to years past. He’s really doing a great job with the program here.

Since the concert, Nick has been preparing his middle schoolers for a big festival called Showalter Festival. 1 week before the festival, the school accompanist had surgery on her eye and was unable to play for the festival and guess who got volunteered 🙂 This is what I get for being married to the music teacher!!! So in 1 week I learned 50 piano accompaniments and played for 6 hours straight last Saturday!! It was a LONG day but all the kids did really well and in the end, it turned out alright.
Nick also had 3 students that went to All State this year which he took them too in January. He also had 1 student make the All State Jazz Band and on that trip I got to be the chaperone It was a lot of fun and nice to see a different part of Wyoming! We went to Casper and got to hear lots of good jazz! It was nice to get to be together, another perk of working for the same school district!

Christmas was great too, I got a Cricut which I have been enjoying very much and Nick got a gortex jacket, a LC9, and a P-Bone!! (which is a plastic trombone, thanks mom!) It was very nice to be home again and spend with with the family.
Paul and Jenelle finally got engaged!! We are soooo excited for them and are planning on heading home in April for their wedding. It’ll be fun to have another married couple in the family and they are really cute together. Paul is way more fun with her so we approve 🙂
Other than that, just more busy days here in Cowley! We’ve had quite a bit of snow this year but still nothing compared to the Idaho usual. I’m excited for warmer weather and to head home for the summer! Until then, we’ll keep staying busy here in Wyoming!